Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood
Charles Perrault
Source: Kidoons Network
Reading Level: 2nd Grade
Genre: Fairy Tale


A pretty young girl named Little Red is told by her mother to bring goodies to her sick grandmother. On her way, she meets a wolf in the forest. The wolf asks her if where her grandmother lives. Little Red tells her, and the wolf tells her he's going to visit her grandmother too. He takes a shortcut and gets there before Little Red. He tricks the grandmother into thinking he is Little Red, so she lets him come in. He eats the grandmother and pretends to be her for when Little Red gets there. When Little Red arrives, the wolf pretends to be the grandmother, and Little Red comments on his big features thinking he is her grandmother. When she says, "grandmother! what big teeth you have!" the wolf replies, "all the better to eat you with!" and he gobbles her up as well.

Who Benefits from reading this story?

Anybody who enjoys reading fairy tales would benefit from reading this book. This particular version of Little Red Riding Hood doesn't end very happily though, so maybe young kids wouldn't enjoy the ending very much.

What conflicts/problems would this book potentially cause?

I don't find any problems with this story, but young readers may not enjoy the ending very much. Usually kids like it when good prevails over evil, but in this story, evil gobbles up the innocent good. Perhaps this story should only be read to or read by older readers.

My Reaction:

This wasn't my favorite version of Little Red Riding Hood. I prefer the version where the woodcutter comes to save Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. However, I think this could teach the valuable lesson that kids shouldn't talk to strangers.

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